Saturday, June 13, 2015

Speech of Maryam Rajavi In grand gathering of the Iranian resistance

I heard the speech of Maryam Rajavi. She is the great women as leader I've ever seen. Her 10 points plan is the hope for future of Iran..
every one has to hear and read it...
Maryam Rajavi: A democratic, non-nuclear Iran with the overthrow of the religious dictatorship 13 June 2015

In the name of God,
In the name of Iran,
In the name of Freedom,
In the name of 120,000 shining stars, the blazing flames of honor and dignity who defied the religious tyranny, and
In the name of all the unsung heroes and heroines who made the ultimate sacrifice so that others could live free; so that in the darkest hour of her history, Iran shines with stars, stands proud and cries out:  “Down with the velayat-e faqih regime!”

Voice and message of Iran’s genuine owners

Elected representatives of nations around the globe,
Honorable dignitaries,
My fellow compatriots, here and all over Iran,

I sincerely extend my gratitude to you all for joining this gathering.
We have come here to convey to the world the voice and message of Iran’s rightful owners, the Iranian people.

Amid an unrelenting uproar over the Iranian regime’s ominous nuclear program and three inhuman wars in the region, we have come to say that those who are speaking on behalf of Iran are in fact the enemies of Iran and all Iranians.

The people of Iran neither want nuclear weapons, nor meddling in Iraq, Syria or Yemen, nor despotism, torture and shackles.

The people of Iran are the tens of millions of enraged teachers, students, nurses and workers who demand freedom, democracy, jobs and livelihood.

They say:
First, the velayat-e faqih regime has reached the end of the line.
Second, the only way to end the violations of human rights in Iran, the nuclear impasse, the crises in the region, and the confrontation with ISIS and terrorism, is to topple the Caliph of regression and terrorism in Iran.

an interview with Fox News the President-elect of the National Council of Resistance of Iran

Maryam Rajavi: Iran regime “cannot and should not be trusted”
 Friday, 12 June 2015 23:24

In an interview with Fox News the President-elect of the National Council of Resistance of Iran said the current regime in Iran ‘cannot and should not be trusted’ and is calling on the U.S. and world powers to recognize Tehran’s intentions in advance of a deadline on the interim nuclear framework agreement.

"Nuclear negotiations should compel the Mullahs' regime to abandon its nuclear weapons program. This is the desire of the Iranian people who oppose this program. The Mullahs need the bomb for their own survival," warns Maryam Rajavi.


Friday, June 12, 2015

Iranian annual gathering - The Washington Times

Maryam Rajavi is president elect of NCRI. she is a great hope of change in Iran. 
She made the remarks in an exclusive interview with The Washington Times ahead of an annual gathering on June 13

By Guy Taylor - The Washington Times - Thursday, June 11, 2015

Days before a major Iranian dissident rally in France, the head of the host organization says the “circumstances are ripe for regime change” in Tehran, but Washington and other Western governments are standing in the way by legitimizing the regime of Supreme Leader Sayyid Ali Khamenei through the pursuit of a nuclear deal.

“Through their policy of appeasement and giving concessions to the regime, Western governments have served as an obstacle to the regime’s overthrow,” said Maryam Rajavi, the leader of the National Council of Resistance of Iran. “In the absence of Western assistance, this regime would have fallen by now.”

Mrs. Rajavi made the remarks in an exclusive interview with The Washington Times ahead of an annual gathering that the council — an umbrella organization that members say includes more than 300 Iranian opposition groups peppered across 24 nations — is holding Saturday on the outskirts of Paris.

Grand Gathering on June 13

Join us 13 June 2015 for the Grand Gathering in #Paris

A ‘bad’ nuclear deal with Iran would jeopardize world peace

A ‘bad’ nuclear deal with Iran would jeopardize world peace

Most people would wish that President Obama succeeds in striking a deal with Iran that will see it shut down its nuclear centres, halt uranium enrichment and give up permanently the goal of obtaining a nuclear weapon. Iran however has shown next to no signs that it will forgo its nuclear weapons program. What most of us don't know is how ordinary Iranian citizens opposed to the mullahs' regime would feel about a "bad deal" that would see Tehran cheat its way to the bomb as it stalls world powers.

Amineh Qaraee, 34, and her brother Ehsan, 28, who fled the mullahs' persecution to Norway four years ago, have a striking story. As children, they witnessed their parents’ arrest and imprisonment for supporting the People’s Mojahedin Organization (PMOI/MEK), the main moderate Muslim group opposed to Khomeini’s theocratic rule

"When I was just one-year-old my father got arrested, and two months later my mother got arrested with me and they took us to prison. There I had to live between people who got arrested and tortured just because they wanted freedom", Amineh recounts in a moving video testimonial.
"I spent some months in prison until they let my mother deliver me to my grandparents. My mother was in prison for more than two years and my father for four years."

Soon after his release, Amineh’s father, a teacher by profession, was again arrested for his political opinions.

"Finally they informed us that they had killed my father and 30,000 other political activists even though all of them were sentenced to some years in prison, not execution”, she adds before breaking down into tears. This has prompted them to join the cause of supporting human rights and democratic change in Iran through different activities, including promoting petitions and other initiatives through facebook, twitter and youtube....

Grate Gathering in Paris

Stand against terrorism and extremism at a rally in Paris

Iranian regime has spread out terrorism over three decades in the Middle East. Religious dictatorship ruling Iran must change… join us in the tweet storm on June 13th

Time to Recognize the Iranian Resistance

a huge gathering of Iranian dissidents will be on June 13th. Mrs.Linda Chavez who is the women fights besides us in our stryggle to overthrow the Iranian regime...
read her conversation with Mrs.Rajavi, the president elect of NCRI

With the June 30 deadline for a deal with Iran on halting its nuclear weapons program fast approaching, the Obama administration is playing its usual bait-and-switch game. When talks first began, the administration said its goal was to dismantle Iran's nuclear infrastructure. Now the administration seems willing to accept any deal the Iranians are willing to agree to that might slow Iran's race, even marginally, to build a bomb. In return, U.N. economic sanctions that have crippled the Iranian economy would be lifted. But those sanctions are the one point of leverage we have against one of the most brutal regimes in the world and one that poses a direct threat to neighboring countries, as well as to the U.S. and our allies.
Against this backdrop, a huge gathering of Iranian expatriates from around the world will take place June 13 in Villepinte, France. Organized by the National Council of Resistance of Iran, the gathering will draw tens of thousands of participants who oppose the regime in Tehran, including thousands of American citizens. As I have at similar gatherings in the past, I will be there to lend my support to the efforts of those who want to give voice to the Iranian people and the organized resistance to the Iranian regime, along with some 600 political dignitaries, including former Democratic and Republican administration officials and 120 parliamentarians from more than 60 countries.

regime change in Iran - the world's desires

this is the article wrote by one of the friends of Iranian resistance ...

Iranian dissidents gather in Paris, push for regime change
By Brian Booker    

Paris - Iranian dissidents from around the world will be gathering in Paris this weekend for a major rally to support democracy. Tens of thousands are expected, and major international leaders, including former U.S. cabinet members, will be speaking at the event.

The event is being hosted by the French-based Foundation for the Study of the Middle East, Alliance for Public Awareness and Organization of Iranian American Communities.
The rally will be attended by over 600 political dignitaries, and 120 parliamentarians from some 60 different countries. A bi-partisan delegation from the US Congress will be in attendance, as will representatives from a wide range of European and Muslim countries.
Speakers at the event will include a slew of leading public officials from around the world, including former Governor and Presidential candidate Howard Dean, former chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff General Hugh Shelton, and numerous other leading minds.
Maryam Rajavi, the National Council of Resistance of Iran's (NCRI) President elect will also speak at the event. Mrs. Rajavi has emerged as one of the Iranian dissident's communities most vocal and prominent leaders.

Wednesday, June 10, 2015

An awesome article written by David Jones

when I read David Jones's article about free Iran and support the Grate Gathering in Paris on June 13th, I'm really impressed by... I want you to read this article and write comments on...

UK Must Meet its Own Standards for Moral Cohesion in Middle East

Monday, June 8, 2015


grand gathering of Iranian Resistance on June 13 in Paris introduces the alternative to mullahs’ rule in Iran and will solve the problem of nuclear weapons threat by the clerical regime via regime change and establishing a democratic, secular and non-nuclear Iran

Great Grand Gathering

Join us in great grand gathering in  

to support peace and freedom Iran